Fact-Checking Policy

Baby Tiana News is committed to delivering accurate and reliable information to its readers. We take several steps to ensure accuracy:

  • Investigative approach: We critically evaluate claims, challenge assumptions, and question conventional wisdom before publishing.
  • Commitment to due accuracy: We strive to provide information that is appropriate and relevant to the content, considering its nature and subject. We also transparently mention any limitations that might influence accuracy expectations.
  • Well-sourced content: We ensure our content is backed by credible sources, available evidence, and corroboration whenever possible. We are honest about what we don’t know and avoid speculation.
  • Independent verification: We seek independent verification from various sources to confirm claims, information, and allegations, especially those from public officials or individuals with potential agendas. Unverifiable content is typically attributed to its source.
  • Accountability and transparency: We stand by the information we publish and promptly correct any errors identified. We avoid misleading our audience and acknowledge factual mistakes, correcting them openly and accurately.
  • Public feedback mechanism: We provide readers with an opportunity to report inaccuracies through our “Suggest a Correction” section at the end of every web story.

Correction Policy

While we strive for excellence, occasional errors are inevitable. When this happens, Baby Tiana News takes full responsibility for correcting the mistakes and maintaining transparency to prevent the spread of misinformation.

Here’s how you can contribute to ensuring accuracy and transparency:


  • If you spot an error, please contact us, immediately via email, phone, mail, or in person.
  • Email: babytiana23@gmail.com
  • Subject: Correction Needed

Baby Tiana News:

  • Upon receiving notification of an error, the editor-in-chief will investigate using the information provided by the reader, relevant materials, and other available sources.
  • If an error is confirmed, corrections will be implemented in all affected formats:
    • Website: The article will be corrected, and an editor’s note will be added explaining the changes made.
    • Social media: A post will be made linking to the corrected article and acknowledging the correction.

Once the correction is made, the editor-in-chief will contact the reader who reported the error to inform them about the actions taken.

By working together, we can ensure that Baby Tiana News continues to be a reliable source of accurate and trustworthy information.